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Tammihovin Kiora


Tornio Group Show 22.2.2020 - JUN EXC JUNC4 - Igoris Zizevskis, Lithuania

Kalajoki International Show (KalaDogi Show) 25.7.2021 - OPN EXC OPNC1 - Tino Pehar, Croatia

Taivalkoski Group Show 7.8.2021 - OPN EXC OPNC2 BB3 CQ - Alvar Ristikivi, Estonia


Tornio Group Show
Judge: Igoris Zizevskis

"Good type and proportions. Strong bone and body. Excellent temperament. Strong neck and topline, deep chest. Good movement."

Kalajoki International Show

Judge: Tino Pehar

"2 yrs. Compact in body, feminine head with good expression. Little bit short muzzle. Good topline. Could have little more neck. Low tailset. Could have little bit better layed shoulders. Good rear angulations. Good movements."

Taivalkoski Group Show

Judge: Alvar Ristikivi

"2 years. Very good type. Dark eyes, very good pigmentation. Scissor bite. Very good front and rear angulation. Very good top and underline. Very well set tail. Moves with very good reach and drive."

Show Calendar 2022:

Under consideration..

(Shows written in cursive are under consideration)

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